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Gender Reveal

Starting the morning off right
Every morning I wake up at 6:30am, why? Mainly because I like to have me time before my daughter and husband wake up. I start the day by getting on my knees and praying to my Heavenly Father, and reading my scriptures. Reading my scriptures first thing in the morning helps me stay grounded and focus on the important things in life. I feel the spirit so much more strong when I do this and I have a much better day. Normally I read my scriptures and then the Ensign, after I am done doing that I run to my art room and I paint. However today I got ready right away, because today is the day we found out the Gender of baby number 2 and we had to be at the DR by 10AM. We were all pretty excited. although my 1 year old is still trying to figure out what's going on. All she knows is mommy is going to have a baby soon. We all got ready right away, I even let my husband sleep in today until he absolutely had to get up so that he didn't have to get up so early. I am trying to be more healthy this pregnancy with exercising and eating right, which I am no pro at believe me but I am trying to make baby steps everyday. One of the steps I have been taking to be more healthy is by drinking smoothies in the morning, recently we have been trying to do green smoothies which to my surprise have not been to bad. However I do still had a tablespoon of sugar, but baby steps right. At least I am trying right? Plus my daughter likes the green smoothies that I make which is a huge blessing considering that she is a picky eater. I am excited to try more recipes this up coming week.
Finding out the gender My Dr. moved practices so we had to switch to a new place, because my Dr is really great and we really didn't want to switch so we moved over to where he was. We made sure to get there early in case we needed to do any paperwork this time. surprisingly it wasn't to bad. The office could use some updates though. I was super excited to have the Ultra sound done but I was also very nervous because I didn't want them to say there was anything wrong with the baby. Luckily everything was fine and dandy. When we finally got back to do the Ultra sound, the baby had the umbilical cord wrapped between its legs so the Dr. had to really work to find out the gender. The funny thing of it is, when we were pregnant with our Daughter she did the same thing. My kids have sense of humor, that's for sure. We were so excited when the Dr. said it was a boy. We would of been excited either way, but it will be fun to have a girl and a boy at home. Now that we knew the gender it was time to figure out a way to tell people that we were expecting a baby boy. I am super big into parties and gender reveals where you have fun with friends telling them the gender of the baby. For my daughter we did the whole pop the balloon and had confetti fall out. I wanted to do something different this time and we just did cupcakes with blue frosting to tell everyone, and we kept it a little more low key with just a few people and then announced the gender on Facebook later that night. Cupcakes and more Family Time
We had different family members come through out the day, so we got to eat a lot of cupcakes, which my daughter didn't mind. She was more then happy to eat all the cupcakes she could. We made gluten free cupcakes because my husband cant have gluten. The cup cakes had blue frosting and baby sharks on them, I thought they turned out super cute considering I am not the best at Decorating cupcakes at all. But honestly I am not a perfectionist when it comes to these sort of things and they worked for what we set out to do. It was nice to also just celebrate with just my husband, and be excited for the months to come. Preparing for a baby boy My mind is going haywire with all the stuff we need to get ready before the baby gets here, and stuff I need to put on my list to get ready for the new baby. I have most of the big stuff from when my Daughter was a baby. But I will need to get baby boy clothes and a couple other things that I didn't have last time that would be nice to have this time around for instance it will be nice to have a portable breast pump. Chasing after a toddler and having a small baby I feel like its going to be so needed. plus I really want to get a stroller that has two seats so that I can easily transport both kids around. I also want to get a traditional bassinet so that the baby can sleep on the side of our bed when he is first born. We had a co sleeper bed when we had our daughter and that wasn't exactly practical at all. I also have so many projects that I want to get done around the house to get ready for the little one. Nesting is fun. I am excited for our new bundle of joy. Until next time have a wonderful day.

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